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Our Wine & Art event returns with a special ‘Winter Warmer’ theme

After the success of our first few sell-out wine & art event in partnership with Loki Wines, we are teaming up with Loki again. 

Drink and learn about a specially curated selection of wines, whilst recreating some winter-themed art, led by art tutor Angela Maloney.

This event is designed to be fun, informative and creative. Art tuition is led by professional art tutor Angela Maloney, who has years of experience teaching art classes. Radu from Loki will guide you through their chosen wines, with tasting notes to enjoy as you paint. 4 different wines included.

No previous art background, or skill level required. This class is open to people of all capabilities and experience.

All materials supplied. Maximum of 9 participants.

Please arrive from 7pm to receive your first glass of wine and introduction. 2 hours art tuition starts at 7.30pm

Due to alcohol being included, this event is for over 18s only

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