Gary McNamara

Please note: We are able to source more works by this artist. Please contact us for a current list

Gary McNamara was born in Liverpool in 1965, with a successful career as an illustrator covering the last 30 years. F

rom the age of 23, Gary has worked freelance as a commercial illustrator for many of the biggest publishing houses in the world, focusing on extremely well-known children’s characters for the likes of Disney, Thomas the tank engine and Noddy. The figurative-inspired artist then started working for the renowned animation company, DreamWorks – creating illustrations for a variety of productions from Captain underpants the movie, Spirit, Shrek, and Madagascar.

More recently, Gary has concentrated more on his figurative painting, exploring and experimenting with various mediums to create depth and movement in his work.

His latest acrylic and mixed media artworks demonstrate his idea to bring the beauty of nature together with figuration, his Far Eastern influences and a new range of vibrant and bold primary colours. His expanded concept of paintings translates beautifully into Limited Edition prints, adding 3D elements to create depth in the Original pieces and his signature high gloss resin finish brings the whole piece to life, just as Gary intended.

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  • Original price was: £829.00.Current price is: £749.00.

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