Anne Butler

Anne Butler trained in Ceramics in the University of Ulster and the University of Wales in Cardiff and now works from her studio in Northern Ireland. She has exhibited widely in Ireland, the UK as well as in many international exhibitions. Her work is held in private and public collections.
Her porcelain vessels are inspired by the light and shadows cast in the urban environment. Abstract marks of coloured porcelain are transferred onto thin sheets of porcelain, which are then cut, layered and assembled. The translucent quality of porcelain evidences this making process. Many years in Asia has also influenced the work. The Japanese aesthetics and sentiments regarding natural transience, distortion and fallibility of material and process is evident in the work.
Selected Memberships:
ARUA Council Member. Royal Ulster Academy Associate Academician
IAC International Academy of Ceramics
CPA Craft Potters Association
CAA Contemporary Applied Arts, London
RBSS Royal British Society of Sculptor
DCCoI. Design and Craft Council of Ireland. Critical Selection: Portfolio 2017/18. 21/22
Awards and Competitions:
2021 Honourable Mention.Korean International Ceramics Biennale,
2019 Honourable Mention.Korean International Ceramics Biennale,
2020 Ceramic Monthly Competition. Contrast and Harmony
2020 Arts Council of Northern Ireland,Support for Individual Artists
2019 Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Support for individual Artists
2018 Rosemary James Memorial Fund Award, Administered by the ACNI